Joe Peters is an American singer-songwriter who has released over a dozen CDs of original music since 1998, mostly under the band name, The Joedai Warriors. Joe grew up in the Midwest during the late 60s and early 70s, and his songs harken back to a time when young people sought the experience of peace, love and adventure and expressed this search in their music. Through his own music, Joe hopes to rekindle in others that spark of the truthseeker that was awakened in him long ago by the songs of other introspective songwriters.
Some of Joe’s songs are influenced by oriental philosophies and were written while living and working overseas. Joe’s song, Sail Away, won top honors at the First Annual Blooming-Tunes songwriting contest in 2009. His original musical slide show, Root of the Matter, is featured on the Catholic Relief Services website. Joe has recently (2017) moved to the Bay Area of California where he continues to write and perform. He occasionally returns to Indiana to record with his musical mates and share his songs with a Hoosier audience.